I don’t mean to get all mushy here, but I love my customers. Seriously. I am so lucky to be working in this niche area of vinyl record collectors, who are typically people who truly value music as much, and often more, than I do. This post is dedicated to one of the many awesome customers I’ve had since launching this simple little invention over a year ago. Ray has been a music collector for sometime, and has given these record frames more compliments than they probably deserve. His display is absolutely amazing and unique, as can be seen in the pictures. As far as I know, this is the first panoramic record room to use records on walls, and the results are incredible. What I really liked, as well, is how there is a bit of vertical white space between each row. Very cool layout. And the way he planned for the records to match up with the corners worked out perfectly, in my opinion. Ray was also kind enough to write up a little bit about the product, which I’ve included below. Thanks again, Ray, you make this whole record frame project that much more special for me.
Ray writes:

Remember how you would study and check out all the art, words, and pictures when you purchased an album? it was pretty cool. Then came cds with the smaller boxes and the excitement of the Album Art was gone. I kept my albums in mint condition stored in plastic cargo tubs. I always wanted to showcase the albums as wall art but could not find a way to set them up as wall art and cover an entire room. That is until I came across your site offering frames that were working frames (removable).
I recently completed a Music Room that is wallpapered with some of the vinyl albums I listened to growing up. Its truly awesome to see a favorites portion of my life’s collection displayed in a panoramic way, and all the great memories of the timeline they represent, and special personal meanings that music brings as it interweaves with life experiences. Very cool indeed.
Great product man, thanks.
Regards, Ray